Bringing visions to life!
I have a passion for engaging designs that will make your business stand out. My expertise in graphic design, UI/UX design and front-end development combined with my ability to run creative workshops will help you capture the attention of your target audience.

Bringing your vision to life!
Would you like to revitalize your website or are you looking for captivating design solutions?
Let's talkWorkshops for the practice
Whether online or offline, these workshops are tailored, hands-on experiences that support the transition from ideas to a clearly defined, actionable plan for your team and organization.
Key features of my workshops include:
- Personalized approach, tailored to your requirements
- Practical, hands-on learning experiences
- Transitioning from abstract ideas to clear, actionable plans
- Content that keeps participants interested and involved
- Insights that can be integrated into the business strategy

Dirk's workshop was incredibly practical and gave us the clarity we needed about the direction we want to take with our website.
- Katie Lounsbury - Communications Manager
Steiger International